Nan Guo
Nan loves to witness the continuous growth and change of landscapes. Having grown up in several cities across China, she especially cherishes memories of walking to school in Hebei, when she would pass under an extraordinary allee of Styphnolobium japonicum, or Japanese Pagoda Tree. A lover of trees and flowers and intrigued by design, Nan studied Environmental Design at Beijing University of Technology before earning her MLA at Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture at Louisiana State University. Her previous professional experience includes various types of museum design in Studio PeiZhu and urban landscape design at Sasaki. She also participated in a Columbia University GSAPP Urban Workshop in Beijing as a teaching assistant when she worked in China. As a Reed Hilderbrand intern in 2016, Nan worked on the New Haven Open Space research project, producing a comprehensive collection of documents that mapped and illustrated the Elm City and its environs. She has since worked on multiple institutional and residential projects in the States, including the Dumbarton Oaks, Seaside Park, Mill River Trail framework. She loves to travel and take photos of landscapes.