Earlier in 2022, Landscape Architecture Foundation’s Case Study Investigations program selected a proposal for Reed Hilderbrand and Design Workshop’s Houston Arboretum and Nature Center Phase 1 project for their 2022 program. The program supports faculty-student research teams who work with designers to assess and document the performance of sustainable landscape projects as Case Study Briefs. The pairing between designers and researchers was announced late this winter, and the team has made the first presentation on what will be included in their Case Study Brief.
LAF CSI Team, Houston Arboretum and Nature Center, Phase 1
Texas A&M University with Design Workshop and Reed Hilderbrand
Research Fellows: Galen Newman, PhD and Dongying Li, PhD
Student Research Assistant: Rui Zhu
The Landscape Architecture Foundation’s Case Study Investigation (CSI) program supports faculty-student research teams who work with designers to assess and document the performance of sustainable landscape projects as Case Study Briefs. In this first in a series of three webinars, four teams from the 2022 CSI program presented on their research process and most compelling findings from their efforts to quantify environmental, social, and economic benefits of exemplary landscape projects.<br />
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The presenters are CSI faculty Fellows and student research assistants from the 2022 CSI teams.<br />
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Auburn University + Sasaki<br />
CSI Research Fellow: Charlene Marie LeBleu, FASLA, FCELA, AICP<br />
Student Research Assistant: Kangkhita Aishwarya Bosu<br />
Project: Gulf State Park Master Plan & Phase 1, Gulf Shores, AL<br />
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Purdue University + ECOLAND Planning and Design Corp.<br />
CSI Research Fellow: Yiwei Huang, PhD, ASLA<br />
Student Research Assistants: Wanting Zhang and Yahan You<br />
Project: Suining South Riverfront Park, Suining City, Sichuan, China<br />
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Texas A&M University + Design Workshop and Reed Hilderbrand<br />
CSI Research Fellows: Galen Newman, PhD and Dongying Li, PhD<br />
Student Research Assistant: Rui Zhu<br />
Project: Houston Arboretum and Nature Center, Phase 1, Houston, TX<br />
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University of Washington + Site Workshop<br />
CSI Research Fellows: Ken P. Yocom, PhD and Amy Wagenfeld, PhD<br />
Student Research Assistant: Rebecca Habtour<br />
Project: Dune Peninsula at Point Defiance, Tacoma, WA