Reed Hilderbrand Selected to Plan Future of UC Berkeley West Glade Oval
University of California, Berkeley has selected Reed Hilderbrand to plan the future of its West Oval Glade.
“The UC Berkeley campus landscape is a beautiful and immersive place. We’re excited to have the opportunity to contribute to both its layered design and cultural history, and strengthen its ecological health and resilience through our work at the West Oval,” said senior associate Lydia Cook.
The project will locate a new bioretention facility and restore a section of Strawberry Creek, while also incorporating accessible spaces for student life including outdoor instruction, field research, reflection, and engagement.
Partner John Kett and senior associate Lydia Cook will lead the West Oval Glade design. The project draws on Reed Hilderbrand’s experience with complex interplay between ecology and hydrology and culture, as seen at the New Orleans Museum of Art’s Besthoff Garden, MIT’s Outfinite Corridor, and Duke University West Campus Student Life Precinct.